Restoring Dignity in the Church of England

It is July. It is time for General Synod in York. This is the kick-back Synod. Time for sandals and open-necked shirts, strawberries and ice cream, and clergy not looking clerical, except for the ones who always do. But the external relaxedness masks some serious business. Three pieces of business around sexuality and gender issues …

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On infidelity, broken promises and hounding: why Elaine Storkey is wrong.

In her comment on Fulcrum on the events in Sheffield diocese, Elaine Storkey writes: Five principles were drawn up to help the church move forward in our call to unity on women bishops. The first principle states that the Church of England is fully and unequivocally committed to all orders of ministry being open equally …

Continue reading On infidelity, broken promises and hounding: why Elaine Storkey is wrong.

The day after…

Like so many others, I am astonished, shattered and angry at what happened at Synod yesterday. Unlike some, I have no complaint at the process. I accept that in the Church of England we set the bar high for significant and radical changes. I shall leave it to others to decide if the standard is …

Continue reading The day after…