Camino Stage 3: Day 9 – Mussidan to la Gratade

The pensioner pilgrim in action An early trip to the boulangerie for croissants and a baguette for lunch, and then with Fabienne we packed up and set off. Today's walking looked like it was going to be relatively easy. Though there had been rain overnight, it seemed to have cleared away, and the morning was …

Continue reading Camino Stage 3: Day 9 – Mussidan to la Gratade

Camino Stage 3: Day 2 – Aixe-sur-Vienne to le Pré du lac Pagéas

Remains of a Roman bridge at Aixe I had a very comfortable night. It had clearly rained a lot in the night, but threatening clouds were clearing when I left at 08.15. The first part of the route followed a tributary of the Vienne, and it was clear that the area had endured a lot …

Continue reading Camino Stage 3: Day 2 – Aixe-sur-Vienne to le Pré du lac Pagéas

Camino Stage 1: Day 9 Neuvy-Pailloux to Chateauroux 25.5 kms

 After lovely weather yesterday, I was hoping for a bit more of the same. So you can imagine what I thought when I saw this. However, despite moving my wet weather gear to accessible bits of my rucksack, the cloud lightened up and the day settled into being just overcast.  Perfect for walking, in fact. …

Continue reading Camino Stage 1: Day 9 Neuvy-Pailloux to Chateauroux 25.5 kms

Camino Stage 1: Day 5 L’Omnie (Couy) to Bourges 22kms

 Day 5: Too cold for the daisies to open! The day dawned grey and distinctly chilly, with the potential for rain. I breakfasted and said my goodbyes. I headed off in a novel variation of the official route of my own devising, despite yesterday's challenges. Halfway through my shortcut I ran into a friendly farmer …

Continue reading Camino Stage 1: Day 5 L’Omnie (Couy) to Bourges 22kms

Camino Stage 1: Day 4 La Chapelle-Montlinard to L’Omnie (Couy) 20.5kms

Day 4:  The day started with a slight accident with my glasses, one lens came out. So that is a job to get sorted in Bourges on Wednesday. Left just before nine. I make the first bit of walking the time for morning prayer using the Daily Prayer app. I was so into it this …

Continue reading Camino Stage 1: Day 4 La Chapelle-Montlinard to L’Omnie (Couy) 20.5kms

Camino Stage 1: Day 2 la Grange Teillard to Chasnay 21 kms

 I slept like a log. The day dawned grey, damp and cool - like an English Bank Holiday. Excellent breakfast by my host. She was a theatrical scenery painter in Paris, but fled to the country with her musician partner some decades ago. She had a successful business making Hopi ear candles (for an avid …

Continue reading Camino Stage 1: Day 2 la Grange Teillard to Chasnay 21 kms