Camino Stage 3: Day 11 – Bordeaux to Southwell

Seven floors, before lifts existed. I had a broken night with my ankle, but managed to get myself in and out of a bath safely. The trouble with my booted ankle was not only was it still rather painful, but it made getting myself around a very slow business. I had breakfast and then packed …

Continue reading Camino Stage 3: Day 11 – Bordeaux to Southwell

Camino Stage 3: Day 9 – Mussidan to la Gratade

The pensioner pilgrim in action An early trip to the boulangerie for croissants and a baguette for lunch, and then with Fabienne we packed up and set off. Today's walking looked like it was going to be relatively easy. Though there had been rain overnight, it seemed to have cleared away, and the morning was …

Continue reading Camino Stage 3: Day 9 – Mussidan to la Gratade

Camino Stage 2: Day 5 La Chapelle Baloue to La Souterraine 21 kms

The refuge at La Chapelle Baloue was so dark and ill lit that once the four of us were up we decided not to bother trying to make breakfast there, but to get on the road. The little grocers in town was shut, but very kindly opened to give us an excellent cup of coffee …

Continue reading Camino Stage 2: Day 5 La Chapelle Baloue to La Souterraine 21 kms

Camino Stage 1: Day 4 La Chapelle-Montlinard to L’Omnie (Couy) 20.5kms

Day 4:  The day started with a slight accident with my glasses, one lens came out. So that is a job to get sorted in Bourges on Wednesday. Left just before nine. I make the first bit of walking the time for morning prayer using the Daily Prayer app. I was so into it this …

Continue reading Camino Stage 1: Day 4 La Chapelle-Montlinard to L’Omnie (Couy) 20.5kms