True LGBT+ inclusion and equality in the Church of England are a long way off

This has been a strange few weeks in which to be LGBT+ and a member of the Church of England. The bishops of the church have commissioned a process called “Living in Love and Faith”. This will, according to its website, produce “resources that will help bishops” lead others in thinking about “what it means …

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Drinking deep

When I was a young man, some forty plus years ago now, the evangelicals of the Church of England were, as a tribe, rather abstemious when it came to alcohol. My training incumbent was teetotal. He wasn't unusual. Lots of evangelicals might have had a half pint of shandy on a very hot day, or …

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Why project Europe matters

I am reading about Boris telling us that leaving is a win-win. I am not only interested in trade, Boris, important as that is. I am doubtful that leaving will do anything but harm our economy for a good many years. But what I care about is creating and sustaining the conditions that overcome suspicion …

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